
Haruoka Ichigo is a 9-year-old chipmunk girl, born and raised in a remote town in the countryside. She spends much of her day wandering around the woods and fields around her home, and is naturally very curous, though she lacks personal drive or planning abilities, often acting on whims.

In real life, Ichigo was an experimental voicebank with two aims: 1) to test out a new reclist by her creator, flamentnagel, and 2) to see if a convincing "pikmin-esque" voice tone could be achieved on UTAU. Though the second point proved to not quite work, Ichigo was deemed suitable for release as she otherwise met quality standards.

Haruoka Ichigo CVVC

Ichigo's sole voicebank, a mono-pitch CVVC with pitched-up samples, giving a very artificial and "chipmunk-y" effect to the voice. a small english extension is also included, for user convenience. a text file is provided detailing the additional aliases:

Haruoka Ichigo CVVC (11/24/24)

Future Developments

No future developments are planned for Ichigo at this time.